5 session singer demos that will make your jaw drop
When I’m feeling a bit on the confident side, I’ll take a listen to these demos from some of the top singers in Hollywood. Fair warning, these might make you want to quit singing altogether, lol! They are also inspiring and I just LOVE being active in this community and having people to admire. Also! Take note of what you like and what you don’t like as far as how accessible these demos are to you, the production value, and the format. Judge away, but with love. :)
Allie Feder
Suzanne Waters
Nikki Leonti
http://timdavisvocals.com/singers Scroll down to Nikki, alphabetical by last name. Btw! This website is an EXCELLENT resource to see a ton of industry standard demos, all in one place.
Kelci Hahn
https://www.kelcihahn.com/demo *drooool* Oh, god, this one is SO inspiring!
I would be remiss not to add the demo of THE most working singer in Hollywood. If you’re into session singing, you definitely know Gerald White. He teaches sight singing classes (he LITERALLY wrote the book on sight singing for sessions), he is the chair of the singer’s committee at SAG-AFTRA, and is not just a voice coach, but a voice wizard. I absolutely adore him. Honestly, he doesn’t need a demo. And frankly, I’ve heard him sing gorgeously in ways that this demo doesn’t even come close to. But it is good to be aware of what is out there. Just peep his IMDb page to get an idea of the level of work I’m talking about: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1684643/
His demo: https://music1on1.com/portfolio/
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels